Thursday, August 8, 2013

A Simple Life

"Keeping Up With The Jonses" 

1959 Speed-o-Print Photo Copier

Finding this treasure sent  me into thought, nostalgic thought. My husband and I have begun a journey, let me tell you it took a whole year just thinking about the journey. After a year of thought, we are now in process and are minimizing; some of you might think how easy is that; I am here to tell you it is not at all easy.
In this society we are collectors, whether we think so or not, we are all collectors of something. We love our stuff whatever that stuff may be. I have fallen out of love with my stuff, I would even go as far as saying I want divorced from my stuff. So the journey to freedom begins.

Let me ask you who in the world are the Jonses and why did we ever feel the need to keep up with them? I found where it all began. (I pulled this from "Allan Holtz Strippers Guide Blog" a blog on the history of old comic strips) So in 1913 began and now coins the phrase "keeping Up With The Jonses". I'm here to tell you I'm breaking free. I have no desire what-so-ever to keep up with these imaginary people.

You know that printer I found was a functioning piece of someones office at one time, however I am sure when the new model came out this model, even still functioning got kicked to the curb, we have grossly become such a throw away society.  This is how we have done things for way too many years, I myself have been guilty.  It is funny to me now as I look on line (looking at treasures and admiring history) it is all about old, and vintage, and antiques; that would have me to believe there is a longing in us for the history of things long gone.
That would also have me to believe that "Keeping Up With The Jonses" is not as appealing as we once thought it was, nor as we even now make it out to be.

I am enjoying this journey of minimizing and keeping it simple.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Newport Beach California

 At the beach I found so much inspiration. I am always looking for elements that I might possibly use. I found so many interesting perspective angles that caused me to envision beautiful expressions of many one day Art Pieces!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Adult A.D.H.D.

Living With Adult A.D.H.D.

Take Note

  Tip #1
While you may wish you never had to wait, the reality is that you can pretty much plan on it being part of your daily life. Carry a pocket notebook and pen with you to jot down a list, brainstorm an idea, or even doodle or sketch so you can avoid feeling that downtime is lost time.

Tip #2

Play, Don't Pick

One man with ADHD admits that he began picking fights with his spouse when his patience was being tested by other matters, just to create the stimulation he needed to stay alert. While arguing with his wife may have distracted him from his boredom, it’s not a very good exercise for your relationship. His suggestion? Come up with a code word to clue your spouse in when you’re feeling impatient, and have some go-to solutions ready to choose from. For instance, how about initiating an engaging game of cards or Scrabble instead of a needless battle, in which you both lose?